Monday, October 02, 2006


I blew Bouchercon. Just too shy to introduce myself to more than a few people. I did manage Sarah Weinman who hugged me graciously. I did get my daugher and Tribe to introduce me to a few people. But that's about it.
I think I am too old to be a newbie crime writer at conferences. I'll just have to settle for being it on paper.
Loved Murderland's Mike Langnas and handed out magnets for a while and met a lovely writer named Robert Janes. The magnets were supposed to be in the goodie bags and were not. Murdaland is awesome. I can't believe I got a story in it. Woodrell's is just terrific.
My husband ditched the conference after two panels and went to the Historical Society and did research. He knows how to make good use of his time.
To have a good time, 1) you have to drink late into the night 2) be awestruck, which I got over after last year 3) be aggressive in meeting people and hanging on to them. Not my list of strengths.

One bad thing about Madison. Where are the movie theaters? I went to one where electrical wiring was hanging out of the ceiling and the seats were more springs than padding. You can always count on movies when you're feeling awkward.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm, I'm sorry this wasn't a rocking experience for you. It was good to see you though. It's good to have you as a newbie on paper at least and I'm sure the more you attend the more comfortable you'll get.

Steve Allan said...

Well, you;re doing pretty good for a newbie. Of course, if you're a newbie, what does that make me - a zygote? I'm just a stem cell on the mystery scene. :) See, I read your blog, even when I am out of it like this. :) Now, if I can only type in the word verification...

anne frasier said...

after seeing your post on steve's blog stating that nobody reads your blog, i had to come over here. and now i see that you and i had somewhat the same bouchercon experience. i kept thinking, i'm too old for this shit. i have no stamina. i'm not a verbal person on the best of days. i thought of going to a movie, but ended up watching back to back episodes of while you were out and trading spaces. and another one i can't recall. oh, flip this house. (i don't have cable at home.)